Friday, 13 December 2013

It Is The End

Stars, this term went by extremely fast. Sorry we haven't been updating much... Well... I haven't been updating much. I meant to post like 45 times this term but I never did. Sorry !

Let's start from the beginning ! I was an o-week leader this year. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. If you don't know already, I'm in the Arts faculty at the University of Waterloo. I was a front-line leader, and by gods, I was raving about o-week last year, yet somehow this year was better.

As leaders, we helped with first-year move in. That was a crazy workout, and this year I'm planning on going to the gym everyday in the summer just so I can be less tired next year (but seriously, maybe like a sit up here and there (I'll never actually go to our gym 'cause it's far and summer term will be hot)). However, it was a lot of fun helping the first years get settled and move it, and it was great getting to see some of the people who were on our team too.

Throughout the week, we took shifts and we accompanied the first years for a bunch of activities (one of which got rained out to our dismay). There were giant jigsaw puzzles (which were a lot harder than they sound), capture the beanbag (which was a kind of unfair game in all honesty, but fun nonetheless), campus confessions, and learning the Arts dance. It was a tonne of fun. We also watch Single and Sexy, a campus created play that talks about issues students can have and the places they can go to help them with said problems, as well as a campus amazing race (which, again, got a little confusing here and there but was a lot of fun). We also took an aerial photo that did not turn out well (sorry guys, but it was really bad...) and I was a blackjack dealer during Monte Carlo (the people who sat at my table can attest to the fact that I suck at addition) and it was ... and interesting experience (read: I will be doing it again, but I might add addition drills to those supposed gym visits).

Aside from hanging with the first years and joining them for all the activities I met a lot of awesome people during o-week who made the experience all the more awesome. It's extremely cool to just be walking around campus and then suddenly see people you know. In the past four month, I've become really close with a group of people and I am so happy I met them ~

Since O-Week, I've mainly been in classes, doing work, derping on tumblr, or hanging out with my awesometastic roommates, Dee and G. Lee ~ I definitely liked living with these two this past term than I did with G. Lee and our other roommate last year. There are some people you can be friends with and live with and there are some people who are best left as friends. It's been a blast living with these two this year and I've love that I got to know these two better this year ~

Anways, I'll be back next week to talk about my awesome (and not so awesome) classes this term ~


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